Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do More with Audio - Blog Carnival August 2, 2011

Here are this edition's entries to Do More with Audio:

Stephanie presents Outsourcing Audio Editing posted at Vox Daily discussing the decsion to outsource audio editing or keeping it internal.

Jason Briggs presents Delving Into Different Audio File Formats posted at Free Ultimate Hobbies.

Dave Taylor presents Convert WMA audio files to MP3 on my Windows PC? posted at Windows Daily News.

David Spark presents "How to be a podcaster" podcasting resources posted at Spark Minute.

Dan Friedman presents 10 Tips For Getting the Most From Your Voice Over Session posted at The ProComm Voiceover weblog.

Abraham Hyatt presents Audio Editing and Recording for Journalists posted at Digital Journalism Protland.

JC presents EVP - Electronic Voice Phenomena posted at Patently Paranormal.

Suzanne Bird-Harris presents My Favorite Audio Editing Tool posted at Suzanne Bird-Harris.

You might also be interested in:That concludes this edition of Do More with Audio. Be sure to Submit your audio articles for the next edition.

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