Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ring Up the Sale

ring up the sale with copper cash register softwareManaging the checkout process for your customers and your business has never been easier thanks to Copper point of sale software. Copper works like a cash register. You just add your products and prices into Copper and you're ready to start selling. When a customer purchases your products, just select them from the item list, and Copper automatically adds the appropriate sales tax, totals the sale, and generates a receipt for your customer.

From accepting multiple types of payments on one transaction to handling coupons, refunds and exchanges, Copper streamlines the entire checkout process, making it easy and convenient for you and your customers.

If you use coupons in your promotions, add those to Copper and when a customer presents a coupon, select that during the transaction and the total is adjusted. The value of the coupon can be either a set amount or a percentage of the sale. "The problem the users have is realizing they can use a coupon to create a discount. They keep saying they want to apply some percentage discount to the total sale, and they can actually easily do this just by making an X% coupon. I�m not sure why they can�t make that connection"

For those times when a customer returns an item for a refund, Copper has an easy way to process that refund. You can refund individual items or the entire transaction.

To help keep track of your sales, Copper provides a variety of reports that will show you the transactions for a given period, how much each of your salespeople have sold, the total taxes you've collected and more.

So if you're a retailer who needs an easy-to-use, but powerful tool to help you manage the customer checkout process, be sure to try Copper point of sale software.

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