Friday, August 3, 2012

Enthusiasm For FileFort File Backup Software

4.5 Star CNet review for FileFort Backup SoftwareRecently, CNET reviewed FileFort Backup Software, giving it a spectacular rating, especially for a free program designed solely to back up your files, and not create full system images (which CNET is also a big advocate of). In the review, they recognized that FileFort "protects your critical data from damage or loss on a regularly scheduled basis, quickly and easily," and, unlike some competitors, "can back up data to a variety of locations, including USB drives and CD/DVDs." They went on to say:

"FileFort's user interface is commendably simple but attractive and up to date in style and layout. The program opened with a backup wizard that quickly led us through the process of setting up and running our first backup. FileFort can back up files to a variety of locations, including external drives, a networked PC, a remote server via FTP, and optical disks via Express Burn."
You can read the complete review of FileFort Backup Software from CNET on Then be sure to download a copy for your machine to help back up and protect all of your important files.

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