Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Remote Desktop Viewing and Control

Remote Desktop Control SoftwareDesktopNow Remote Computer Access Software was first released back in December, giving you a free and easy way to access files on your home or work computer from remote locations. Recent upgrades have DesktopNow growing into its name, providing remote desktop access and control through a browser, as well as the simple file sharing provided in the first release.

Being able to access your desktop remotely essentially means you can control your computer when you aren�t there. Why might you want to do this? You can start, end, or restart programs that are running. Check a program�s status while you are away. Or maybe you act as your family�s computer support department�DesktopNow will allow you to access their computers without you physically being there. Imagine all the time you can save if you can move Grandma�s mouse to the recycle bin without having to describe how to find it over the phone.

Use the web controls to access your desktop no matter where you are, whether you are on another computer or a mobile device. Log into your computer over the Internet using any web browser for fast, easy, and secure access to all your important files. You never need to worry about not having a file you need with you again.

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