Thursday, May 3, 2012

What Dictation Can Do For You

What Dictation Software Can Do For YouDictation and transcription are common practices in various fields, including the medical profession, law, court reporting, even insurance. However many of us have never considered what dictation or transcription is, much less how it might be able to help us in our careers.

When you have many different reports, letters, memos, or even articles to write, dictation can be a better use of your time than writing them all out yourself. With digital dictation software, you create an audio file with what you want those documents to say. If you need to add something, or go back, you can easily go to any point in the dictation to insert or even overwrite sections. When you are done editing your audio dictation the only thing left for you to do is send it off to your transcriptionist.

At this point all you need to do is wait for the transcriptionist to type up the document from for you. Express Scribe is a very popular transcription software allowing you to play, fast forward, rewind, stop, and slow down dictations to make transcribing faster and easier. And professional transcriptionists are well versus in their areas of expertise giving that extra insurance of complicated medical or legal terminology is correct. Accuracy is doubly important in the professional world and fast, accurate documents sent back to you is exactly what you will get.

Professionals everywhere can become more efficient freeing up time for other tasks by taking advantage of dictation and transcription. Consider what you do at your job, what you type, and how long it takes to create these documents. There is undoubtedly some aspect of your day to day activities that could benefit. Download Express Dictate and Express Scribe and see how it can help you.

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