Monday, November 26, 2012

Hawaiian Slack String Guitar Tuning

alternative Hawaiian guitar tuningsI started my holiday season this year visiting family in Hawaii and in addition to some fun in the sun, and some really amazing produce; we took the opportunity to learn a bit about Hawaiian culture and music. It sometimes amazes me how much technology and software surrounds me and is a part of my life even when I am trying to unplug myself from the grid. This time it was my appreciation of music that started me thinking about PitchPerfect guitar tuning software.

I had the chance to listen to a very interesting performer who not only played for the audience, but talk about the history of music on the islands. He talked about the traditional instruments they played on the islands, how music and hula played a big part in their oral history and how the Hawaiians began to adopt the guitar and use more western melodies learned from Spanish contractors and other traders. As they continued to embrace and experiment with the guitar Hawaii made two contributions to guitar music before also creating the ukulele. The lap steel guitar and the slack string guitar both originated on the Hawaiian islands.

Unlike my instrument, the cello, the guitar has many alternative tunings that can be used to achieve different sounds or make it easier to play certain chords. This makes the guitar a very versatile instrument but it also makes tuning the guitar more of a challenge. This is why it can be extremely useful for guitar players of all levels to take advantage of an easy-to-use tuning program like PitchPerfect when tuning their instrument, especially when using a tuning pattern you aren't as familiar with.

For a tropical influence to help you relax as we all make our way through the rest of this holiday season maybe you will try a slack-key guitar tuning and look up some Hawaiian music to help you hang loose. Also be sure to take a look at our other musician software for guitar players and more. Because even software can help you relax, by doing things for you, like taking the stress out of tuning.

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