Monday, May 21, 2012

How to Remove Vocals in a Song with WavePad

Music Vocal RemoverOne of the most popular features of our audio editing software, WavePad, is the ability to reduce or remove the vocals within a song or a piece of audio you have loaded. You can use the resulting file for karaoke, sampling instruments, remixing music tracks, or simply save to have an instrumental only version of a song.

When you have your song loaded in WavePad go to the Effects tab and click the Voice button. Select Reduce vocals from the drop-down menu. This will open a dialog box that will allow you to change the pan position and width, the vocal level, and preserve the bass. Generally the default settings will work the best, but different songs may require different settings to effectively reduce or eliminate the vocal frequencies. If the default settings don't do enough you can adjust these settings until you are satisfied with the result.

If you only want to reduce the vocals on the portion of the audio be sure to select the region first. By default if nothing is selected WavePad will apply the effect to the entire file, so you can skip the selection before choosing reduce vocals to edit the entire song.

Download WavePad music editing software today to try out the vocal reduction feature and make better background music, your own karaoke songs, or use the new version with a recording of your own singing rendition to mix in.

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